Lisa's life...

By lisa24270


Back in the olden days, Thursday meant a shower and a pamper after work then having a couple of girlfriends round for a drink and to watch Friends before heading out to the local nightclub. Thursday nights was free entry for ladies and we finished work at lunchtime on Fridays so we could recover in the afternoon! 

Today I was pulling my hair out as Finley's having a particularly boisterous day - casualties include the bird table, the kitchen bin, and my right arm! He was utterly brilliant on our walks though so it's not all bad!

Most of my work day has been trying to deal with various customer service people at our heating oil supplier and BT Business Broadband...BT's system has had an outage all day too which doesn't bode well for our issue being sorted any time soon. 

Still in some discomfort and a little breathless with my covid hangover too so I can't wait for bedtime if I'm honest.

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