Perfect Post

We had a lovely last morning with Neil and Brenda - toast and coffee at Nude and a mooch round the shops for B and me... We're sad to see them leave, their trip has come to an end too quickly!!
Todd and Stephen dropped by late morning because Stephen has brought his parents old 1970 Minolta camera for me! I so wish my Dad was still in Ibiza to help me work it out! It's absolutely beautiful and has 2 extra lenses, but wow, I have NO idea how to use it yet! I need to go find out if my camera shop develop film too... Such a kind and thoughtful gift of Stephen! He said his parents had bought it for a big trip, but literally only used it that once.  
Today has been a very hard day for Mitch, so a message from church in Sutton saying the staff team are regularly praying for him and that they'll pray too on sunday,was very timely. 
Cooked a massive dinner tonight and Mitch took some portions out to friends on the streets...lovely that he's getting involved in it all. 
An evening planning the 2 days in Palma - working out photo locations and how to get to each place etc...I'm looking forward to it but I'm blooming nervous!!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Perfectly timed post to cheer up sad kids. New friends from Mourão had done letters and drawings for both kids...A&N were delighted.
2) Hearing N&B got to the UK safely...soon they'll be home to the States.
3) Praying with Mitch when everything got too much. 

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