"What the heck?!"...

..."I only came back because I thought it would be spring by now!"

The Red-Winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoenixes) is usually first spotted in our area when the snow is gone and buds on the trees are about to pop. OOPS. Somebody forgot to tell this guy that spring is on hold this year.

He also didn't get the memo about me... the other birds in the area are getting used to my presence... it was a little humorous how timid this boy was. (Red-Winged Blackbirds are sort of bullies in the bird world). He really wanted to go to the feeder at the edge of the woods, but wouldn't budge from his tree until I moved. On his third visit to the area I caught him off guard and got a few shots. I was pretty please to see that they had turned out okay when I got them up on the computer.

Bigger wimp here. ;)

It was a tough choice today... so many birds... only one blip spot... I put the others up on flickr. (The red-bellied woodpecker shot was a close second, but lost out since he's graced my blip journal before.)

Spending the rest of the day transfering data from the old computer to the new one. My new iMac arrived last night :) I'm in geek heaven.

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