Geek hell

Well, this is just not been my day... I've been on the phone with Apple for hours. :-( We are now trying to determine if it's a faulty computer or if the migration of my information from the old Mac got corrupted... This is not geek heaven as I proclaimed yesterday.

I was up 'til the early morning hours last night working on this. So I decided to get a shot of the moon after midnight to count as today's blip. A full moon, blip done before I wake up, what could be better? Well apparently, a camera with the time adjusted for daylight savings time... When I loaded the picture today, it said the metadata was for yesterday at 11:30 PM (not 12:30 AM when I actually took it).

So, you get an image of the image I wanted to blip on the computer I'm about to throw thru the window. Here's a link to the real shot if you want. My first moon attempt...

I love computers; computer programming, photo editing, digital graphic design & general playing around... I spend hours and hours on them, but when they're not working it's enough to make you want to pull your hair out. Especially when you just laid out a decent amount of money for it.


Anyway, I'm behind on my comments. Sort of been up to my eyeballs in Apple crap. I will try to get around to your journals tonight. I'm sure it will be a much happier time of the day :-)

Typed on my iPhone... Please forgive any typos.

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