
Another mild, calm, sunny day... and my Nikon came back from its recent service, all ready to check over. As usual at this time of year, I got fascinated with the play of light and shadow in the yellowing fig leaves in the garden. I don't usually shoot at the widest possible aperture; usually I'm keen to make the depth of field options a bit easier to manage. But today I enjoyed experimenting with some dreamy soft-focus effects.  Perhaps this just goes with my slightly dazed post-Covid mental state :-)

I am feeling a lot better,  however, and very appreciative of all the friendly and solicitous comments I've been reading - thank you.

Ruth and Luca popped  in briefly, for lunch and a quick visit to the park. Ruth and I managed a quick catch-up about how her work is going, while Luca was happily pottering around in the park sandpit. She and Josh are settling in some new goats at the farm, and she's figuring out how to bring her own arts practice into her day-to-day work with students there - this is all sounding good, and she sounds happy.

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