Upside Down Curtain

It's a simple green thing near the window but the colour matches our real curtains, and does what curtains do -- it helps keep our privacy.

A slow start to the day, and the evening would have been slow as well, as AW left for Thursday evening live bridge at Sweed's, which should have been for tomorrow evening, but we'll be leaving tomorrow, so it was moved to tonight.  While he was gone, three loads of laundry, and almost ran out of clothespins.  I'd already done the ironing earlier, as well as some cleaning upstairs. About four more batches of wash to go, including sheets, but that will happen when we return.  Also started packing, and the small handcarry will be closed tomorrow just before we leave.

MOOC-free and no other pending stuff, so had a fairly easy evening.  Now to make sure we get up in time.

Thanks for petting the dog yesterday, and sprinkling some stars on his fur!  He was a really lovely chap.

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