"Tell me a story"....

After the excitement of taking part in this morning radio programme – BBC Radio4 Saturday Morning Live- we went to the Potting Shed bistro in Callander. So M is  inveigled once again to add some  human interest to a photo.
The stars of the programme are Olympic diver Tom Daley and pop singer Anne-marie. 
This is the link:

The others are Alexis Roxburgh, paraglider who flies with eagles and myself (human interest).  I come on at end for eight minutes to talk about our book 
The Children of Craig-y-nos” , former castle and home of opera singer Adelina Patti in the Swansea valley.
Naturally I was nervous , petrified actually, but the producers kept saying to be myself, whatever that is,  and enjoy the experience.
My biggest concern was the technology. We had to sign in on zoom for 8.30  am for a sound check with the studio manager and for once I was on time. ( Scotland).   Tom Daly appeared  from his London home ten minutes later having been up since 5.30 am with his toddler and pop star Annemarie , Manchester,  a few minutes before going live- now that’s what I call cutting it fine though she did have trouble finding the unmute button. Paraglider Alexis Roxburgh walked into the studio with his family.
The Rev. Richard Coles turned out to be an opera buff and the only person in the studio who had heard of Adelina Patti. So he got to choose a song of her singing to end the programme.

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