Raindrops on cobwebs

Felt a bit rough this morning, but felt better as the day went on.  Tim and I got a few useful things done around the house - Tim scraped the paint off the windows (we didn't bother with masking tape this time, as it's much easier, and neater, to just paint free-hand and then scrape it off the glass later), and I cleaned the shower.  (Also captured the many dewy cobwebs outside the windows.)

After some lunch, we walked over to the doctors' surgery to get our flu jabs.  Such an efficient process - straight in and straight out again (just like the needle).  I was there just long enough to ask the nurse how it was all going and to learn that they were vaccinating 800 people today - and were nearly done, by shortly before 2pm!  Amazing.

Had a fairly relaxed afternoon and evening after that.  Watched the Assassin's Creed movie this evening.  Not bad but a little beyond my disbelief-suspension limit :)

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