
A rushed and very damp photo, taken on Balfour Street as I headed to work. I got there eventually resembling a drowned rat. I'd intended to pick up a bus at a certain point, but by the time I saw one, I was already soaked, so I thought I might as well carry on. It's bad enough getting on a bus when soaked. Double that discomfort again when you get on soaked, wearing a mask, with the inevitable steaming up problems.... My coat isn't especially waterproof, so I had to take my top off, and wander around in my emergency office cardigan. Luckily the top had dried off enough for me to wear it to teach in. I didn't really want to teach in my emergency office cardigan...

Anyway, these workers had no intentions of getting wet, and had set up an umbrella over their hole in the ground. Very sensible.

Another busy Tuesday, with more progress on beating the allcomers emailing record. I'm sure I'll get there at one point.

It brightened up somewhat whilst I was teaching. At one point I looked upwards (I'm in what was originally the anatomy theatre where Darwin was taught as a medical student) and saw some blue sky in the skylight. Not much in evidence by the time I came to go home, although there was a reasonable sunset which I believe that Mr A is going to blip.

Back home, we had to shift all the wardrobe contents into the living room, as the electrician is coming tomorrow. We are slowly getting closer....

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