
Up early before everyone else so went out for a coffee and wander with a film in the camera before getting back to the hotel in time to meet up for breakfast.

Came home 'via' Helensburgh (quite a detour I know) so we could go and visit Hill House. We'd been once before in 2004 and it was a little bit different back then for sure.

"Have you visited Hill House before?"
"Yes, quite a long time ago"
"Oh, before 'The Box' then..."

The way it was said made it sound more like some quasi-apocalyptic event rather than what it is - basically a metal cage. We can all be defined as 'pre-box' or 'post-box' then and there's an HBO mini-series being made along those lines as I type. Or maybe I just watch too much telly.

Anyway, the house, and box, were great and, if anything, being able to walk up and over, as well as around the house, made it quite an experience. Thumbs-up.

The Box

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