
Ymylon ~ Edges

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O'r diwedd, rydw i'n dod yn agos at ddiwedd y paratoad concrit. Rydw i wedi gorffen llenwi'r lle gyda cherrig wedi'u torri ac yn smention nhw gyda'u gilydd. Dw i nawr eisiau i'u orchuddio gyda thywod yn barod am y cam olaf - concrit cymysg parod.

Roeddwn i wedi gobeithio i fynd i fyny'r ar y to i edrych ar y broblem gollwng ond doedd dim digon o amser gyda fi. Rhywbeth i wneud yfory.

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At last I am nearing the end of the concrete preparation. I've finished filling the place with broken stones and cementing them together. I now want to cover them with sand ready for the final step - ready mixed concrete.

I had hoped to go up the rooftop to look at the leak problem but I didn't have enough time. Something to do tomorrow.

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