A Change in the Weather

After a very mild and humid spell, northerly winds have brought cold and clear air rushing down, dropping the temperature significantly.  Thick coat weather only forty eight hours after it was almost shirtsleeve weather!    

Not winter yet though, this snowdrop, Galanthus reginae-olgae, from Sicily, Greece and other Balkan countries, is an autumn flowering species.   Not difficult to grow but not widely grown .... and not cheap to buy.   Mine are raised from seed which means a few years wait before they first flower but it's a cheaper and more satisfying way to get there.

A quiet day, a recovery day after the road trip.   Lunchtime at Jamie's when the plumber came to fix a leaky radiator.   Popped in to see Katie who's been my heroic dog sitter this week while struggling with a health issue.   We made a couple of phone calls but as yet have not found a way to ease things while she waits for a consultant appointment.   More to do tomorrow.   A walk in the country for Meg where her headstrong nature had me on the ground at one stage!   Work, catching up after two days away and now an early night definitely beckons.

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