By lizzie_birkett


…or not if you are our neighbours! Their’s is on the right of the collage.
We keep our mooring garden as tidy as we can when we are here on our mooring as do our other neighbours Ted and Jackie. On the other side however the couple who own the massive monstrosity of a half done up boat visit once a year to do the weeding.
It wouldn’t bother me if the seeds from their weeds didn’t scatter to other gardens.
Anyway, I’ve been weeding our plot and Frank was weeding the path. I planted some of the pansies I bought the other day and put the spent geraniums in a pot to take home to overwinter in the cellar.
It’s been a lovely sunny day.

Sabrina sent me report earlier from Lanarkshire health board saying that the 3 acute hospitals in their area are on the highest ‘black’ alert - meaning they are overwhelmed with admissions and short staffed due to staff illness and isolation and have had to cancel surgery for patients including those with cancer. How bad does it have to get?

Time for some reading and knitting and then taking Bella May wallows.
Thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts. I don’t have good WiFi or phone signal here so can’t comment as much as I would like but I do read your Blips and sprinkle stars where I can ;-)X

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