The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Tears and traumas ..

Poor mum - she doesn't remember what she's told, so I have to choose my moment - not too early, not too late (as she doesn't like things 'sprung' on her either) ..

Today although I thought we'd discussed that she was to go to the care home for the weekend, she went into the hall, saw her packed case, asked what it was for and promptly burst into tears ..

Eventually (after a few bouts of anxiety induced sickness :S ) she allowed herself to be driven there .. had a momentary panic on realising she wasn't to stay in her usual room .. then had to admit it was a nicer, if smaller room.

I took her into the lounge and she settled at a table where ladies were making Easter bonnets (except the lady, who when invited, replied 'No thanks love - I look enough of a twat already!'

Went to Sunk Island and got a pretty decent shot of a lovely kestrel - but decided to go with the cute blue tit in the garden.

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