The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Tiger, tiger burning bright ..

I had a very long day today .. up at six .. and hitting the road at seven to head to London for this.

One of the things I miss about London (other than friends and music) is the magnificent Tiger shop. I always try to fit in a visit, even on a hit and run day like today.

It's one of those shops which sells oodles of stuff that nobody actually needs, but I always want! (Except today, oddly, when I didn't buy a thing!)

The theme changes monthly - so yesterday was very Eastery alongside the regular stuff ..

After the Tiger shop (by the way - Tiger means'tenner', as in 10 kroner, in Denmark and has nothing to do with big cats!) I headed to Union Chapel in Islington .. a quick top and tail rehearsal and then the audience arrived. It was jam packed!

It was named 'The People's Passion' as funding had been raised (to pay us!) and it was a free performance (with no interval)

It went down incredibly well, I think.

A friend who I haven't seen (except via Facebook) was in town and we met briefly for a catch up and for her to give me some fab Christmas presents - hoorah!

Then all the way back to Hull .. foxes fed .. and bedtime ..

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