
By Nigel

Silver Skull Mask

Rather caught my eye in Gav's hallway but rather drunk with an iPhone I couldn't really get much from it.

After a late lie, a touch of ironing and a half hearted cooking of some food it was poker night tonight. Off to Gav's where 8 of us drank much beer, talked much arse and intermittently tried to remember who's the dealer and whose turn it was. Despite the mass inebriation some of the card related intermissions turned up some pretty exciting hands. I can't remember all of them but I believe I was involved in 3 protracted and tense hands where it turned out that at showdown both me and the other player had the same pocket cards and split the pot. I also split the pot with Jamie over the infamous trip 6 rule (the devil's hand beats all) which was especially sweet as despite having nearly the same pocket cards Jamie's K6 would have beat me except there are no kickers if the devil is in the room.

In the end I won, despite coming dangerously close to being knocked out at one point and I believe I racked up 4 kills, not bad going at all.

Got home to find that Jen could not be separated from her computer screen despite me giving plenty of notice and having made a prior arrangement which put a bit of a dampener on the whole winning experience.

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