A much more better stable door

I may have mentioned previously that Bodger The Builder Butchered The Back Door. He hacked off one edge, having refused to fit the frame he was given. He didn't get it remotely straight, wrecked the mortice and tenon joints, fitted the locks askew so they didn't even engage with the striking plates. And Basically Buggered It. Departing chastened, he reluctantly agreed he had just bought us a new door and the cost of fitting it. You could say he bolted after the stable door was broken.

And now, instead of a bodger we have a craftsman who takes time and care. And it's already much more better (*).

You're dying to know, so the paint is Farrow & Ball's Vardo. Always F&B because of its opacity, and the way it goes on. Lovely to work with.

(*) Now, old friendships. "Much more better" is a phrase routinely used by Chris Rook in the late 70s, when I was managing development of a reinsurance computer system and he was a contract programmer. He played up an Essex wide boy image like crazy, when he was really nothing like that. He was going to start his own company, and said he would call it Rooky Mammoth Corp Inc, so I made sure when we came to test foreign currency conversion in the system, one of our currencies was Rooky Mammoth Pounds. Humour and friendship matter at work. I last saw Chris around 1980. I wonder what became of him.

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