Invention of modern yoga

Patanjali is often regarded as the father of modern yoga, according to several theories. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are a compilation of aphoristic Sanskrit sutras on the philosophy and practice of ancient yoga. These writings mention but do not elaborate on the 12 postures: Padma asana, Veera asana, Bhadra asana, svastika asana, danda asana, sopasraya asana, paryanka asana, kraunchanishada asana, hastanishada asana, ushtranishada asana, samasansathana asana.
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are a revered text among those who practice modern yoga.
Tirumalai Krishnamacharya is also regarded as the father of modern yoga in various regions of India. He was a yoga instructor, ayurvedic healer, and scholar from India. Krishnamacharya is widely recognized as one of the twentieth century’s most important yoga instructors.

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