Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

A stroll in the sunshine with my camera.
I met a woman on a path and she asked me if I'd got any good photos. I thought I recognised her as a wife of one of my friends... and her sister work at the supermarket, but I'd only met her once, and long time ago... We talked for a bit and joked about the digger digging holes and filling them up again. No idea what that digger was doing there, other than totally destroy the path were I usually walk into the forest... Later I saw a lorry with soil joining it. I guess I'll see in a couple of days. 
On my way home I spotted a leaf glittering with water droplets and stopped to get my camera out. Three elderly ladies were passing me where I stood and asked what I was taking a photo of. I showed them the leaf (in the blipped collage) and they say it at once. I feel we... or some of us, have become more chatty with strangers since we were 'let free' from the Covid restrictions. Or, perhaps I just bumped in to friendly people. :)

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