MonoMonday - MM405 - Inventions


MonoMonday - inventions - HeadTorch

Miners' helmet lamps 1915 Thomas Edison
LED HeadTorch - lamp with battery case on headband 1972 Petzl

I've had a Petzl HeadTorch before, this old one is Infapower, needs 3 AAA batteries, modern ones use rechargeable battery systems. It has 3 settings & tilt adjust, good for night camera setup or lighting something when not wishing to use flash. Reflective brand name headband.

Some new designs can be programmed by your phone to adjust light levels saving batteries. (But probably wastes battery of phone faffing with setups & not ideal in horizontal sleet & blowing a hoolie!)

Most headtorches have a reflector strip on the headband so even if your battery has run out & can't see well or be seen, someone else may pickup the reflection from their light looking for you, especially if lost or injured, keep headband on even if torch not working.

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