
Kitchen wildlife haven.

Slow starting after getting wakened before time to get up. Very tempting to go back to bed.

Moved some stuff out the way but didn't do what I was thinking about doing.

Went out the garden & tidied up some of the cuttings from the hedge still in the garden. I had left the parsley to collect the seed but the damp has got to it & most are moldy. Cut it back to main stem & put in compost bin as still green stems.

Brushed the steps of leaves as they can get slippy & mossy with the dampness.

Tidied up the robin nest wreath of all last years witherings. I left the nesting materials inside as it may still be being used for winter shelter. It is maybe a bit early to collect more materials for covering the wreath bit of nest. Don't wish to disturb too much incase birds are using to keep warm.

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