Oh Deer ...

... seen at Housenick Park.

We both stayed busy until the afternoon and then we went to Housenick Memorial Park for a walk.  We took the time to for a little bit longer walk ... going down to the creek and then back up around the house. 

Richard had stopped to take some pictures near the railroad bridge that goes over the creek when I turned around just in time to see these lovely white-tailed deer drinking in the creek.  I took some pictures where I was standing and then tried to more closer.  As I approached they both got out of the creek on the opposite side.  I stood there for several minutes taking lots of shots of them both.  Neither one was very concerned about me.  I honestly didn't think that I got any decent pictures due to the lighting and distance between us.  But I was pleasantly surprised by a lot of them.  

The deer on the right appears to be a young buck as I can see the beginnings of his antlers.  The other could be either female or another buck ... they are both young. 

We finished our walk and then stopped by Aldi's for some salad fixings for supper.  

Just a reminder:  This coming Tuesday is my last hosting duty for October's Tiny Tuesday.  The tag is: TT335.  And I've added an optional theme of "pumpkin" as Tuesday is National Pumpkin Day!  The theme is VERY optional ... but please feel free to include a pumpkin if you can or want to. 

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