Living my dream

By Mima

Three Sisters

These strange humps will soon be smothered with growth. At least that’s the plan.

They are mounds of compost and manure, covered with hessian to prevent them collapsing…and to keep the blackbirds from scattering the soil around in their search for worms.

In a couple of days I will be sowing one sweet corn seed, one runner bean seed and one squash seed in the top of each mound…and making a small hole for each to grow through.

This is the Native American method of growing these three crops, known as the Three Sisters.

The theory is that the corn germinates first and by the time the bean has popped up and started to climb, the corn will support it. The squash meanwhile grows all around the bottom and suppresses weeds.

I’ve not tried this technique before and will be interested to see how well it works in this climate.

I’m growing sweet corn, beans and squashes elsewhere as well, so I’m not dependent upon the Three Sisters producing crops. If they do work I’ll be flush with them. I don’t mind :-)

News of my siblings in the UK: The sick one is no longer dangerously ill, but very confused. The bossy one is attempting a decision-making take over. The peacemaker is busier than ever. I may have said this before, but really…Families. Sigh.

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