
The yo-yo continues to go up and down. Can the magician (NZ's Director General of Health) control the variations in new cases (today was down again)? Or will Covid break free and overwhelm our system?

As one mother and widow said as her son receives intensive care for the treatment of life threatening injuries sustained in the car crash that killed her husband: If New Zealanders had not been working together to contain the spread of Covid, there would quite possibly have been no access to intensive care for the young man. She thanked all who have abided by the restrictions, and who have accepted vaccination so that our health system has coped without too much strain. So far.

This rose is flourishing in the spring warmth and wet. It may last only a brief time, but in that time it gives great pleasure.

The tui in my extra saw that I was looking at it, and remained watchful but unfussed.

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