Ugly Toys

We were over at Bags' house first thing so that she and hubby could get off to work.
I left SWMBO to deal with the monsters and went and did the shopping and was back in plenty time to see the monsters off to school.

Some time was spent at the lathe making a spinning top to act as a dice. That was a complete failure ... it always seemed to stop on no.1. Back to the drawing board.
What did turn out fairly well was a mushroom - made from offcuts and resin (another piece as a future emergency Blip).
It was back to Bags' place for the monsters getting home from school.
That is where I took the pictures of some of his ugly toys. He is getting into the Warhammer games and these things require painted. These days they are green plastic but when no1 son did them they were metal but they still require an incredible amount of skill to paint them - and both boys have that skill...and the patience.
There are more Uglies over here

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