One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

This is a recession, I am NOT buying a Wii. Part 8

Mr Smith is lucky to have a (free) shiny stainless steel u-tube nearby to entertain his kids and whippets.
These items of California cool have unfortunately bypassed our reactionary shores.
One has to make do with what's available.
In this shot, Luca (the wise one) has realised that going on all four is the best option in damp slippery mud (until the return back home, when Mum realises that there is a price to pay for the 3 hours of weekly freedom associated with the Trip down to the Dinosaur's Forest - Mr Raheny cooks, but he doesn't do the washing of clothes, or drying, or folding, or ironing unless there is a barrel of a gun firmly pressed to his right temple...)
Next to Luca is a very gravitationally challenged Dad, with Mimi on his shoulders.
Let me reassure you, no one was seriously injured in the making of this blip.
Mimi did cry for about 15 minutes after we hit the ground, but she chose Hollywood Drama has a second language in Infant Playgroup 1...

PS: Please put your phones down, no need to ring the local Social Worker yet again.
It looks like I am about to collapse backward but the slow exposure failed to capture my other leg, which was facing in the right direction, but the slow exposure failed to record this (or else I have incredibly flexible hips!)
Mimi was unscathed.
It didn't prevent her from crying for 15 minutes, but it was for something trivial and totally unrelated (and it stopped miraculously just as suddenly as it had started...)

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