(very) close encounters

Well now, here's a thing.  

I'm just about to step onto the bridge when I see the wee robot at the far end. It stops.  I duck back behind the parapet (on the left side) and the robot sets off again.  I peer over the edge to watch its progress.

As it gets closer I jump out to take my blip.  I'm fully expecting it to stop.  But it doesn't. It  presses on.  A game of chicken, perhaps?  Or maybe there's a chicken burger on board, in danger of getting cold.  Whatever it is, it's me who moves in the end.  

I'm very surprised by this.  It'll wait for ages to cross a road until it's sure there's no traffic about.  But as it got nearer, it didn't seem to be bothered by me at all.

I think it's a practice run for the apocalypse.  They're getting bolder.  As soon as they force a car to back off, it's game over.

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