the high life

Anniemay and I are learning (or rather, re-learning) to be a bit more spontaneous.  Covid seemed to kill off our spirit of adventure.  I mean this in a relative sense - nothing adrenaline based - more along the lines of "shall we walk into town for a coffee?"   This counts for us because we have a perfectly good coffee machine at home.

We spend a couple of hours wondering what to do and settle on going to the cinema.  To see The French Dispatch.  Again.  So, not really hard-core spontaneity, given that it's the second time in three days.   We just loved it so much and wanted to catch the bits we missed first time. 

The real adventure comes from choosing a different cinema.  And having lunch out beforehand.  It's around tea-time by the time we get home and we're still flying high, so decide not to watch The Chase.

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