We can now do Anything

We can now do Anything
I don't know about you but I have found that over the last 18-months I have appreciated my home more than before. I am sure I took it for granted. The various lockdowns have given me chance to do stuff I would not normally have done and to take my time to think about life, the universe and everything. 
For example, each time I sit down at the computer I am greeted by this wonderful muddle. Paintings and stuff my family have given to me over the years etc and I now have time to appreciate what each and every bit means to me. 
Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy going out, doing stuff and meeting friends but I am also very, very content to not go out and just stay at home.
Footnote: The green sign that I have chosen for todays post was beside my Mum's chair for many years. Quite apt is it not.

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