Mini egg bites

Laura and her folks, who are visiting from Vermont, came over for lunch today. They brought sandwiches; I tried out this egg bites recipe and baked  butterscotch brownies. Beforehand, I realized that barring piano students, no one has been over to our house since June graduation. I ran around picking up and tidying, and Felix sensed the mood and went into full-out wildcat mode, springing after me, leaping out from around corners, discussing things with his felt mousie. He calmed down and was very hospitable to the guests when they arrived.

It feels like Friday since there's no in-person school tomorrow for D. This is the end of the first quarter, and he's scrambling with his college app essay. I told him to wake me up if he wants to run anything by me; I'm beat and think I'll catch up on commenting tomorrow. :-)

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