Peanut Eater

This little guy was really enjoying the raw peanuts that I tossed out this morning. I try to keep my legume offerings regular and will even increase the amount I offer as the days grow shorter and the temps begin it drop a bit more. Notice the bit of blood on this squirrels right shoulder. That's caused by the tree squirrel bot fly larvae and it's common to see squirrels with these open wounds where a fly larva is buried underneath their skin. Squirrels who have compromised immune systems are more susceptible to parasitic infections. Ones that are stressed or eating an unhealthy diet are more likely to become infected. Most of 'our' squirrels show no sign of the parasite, but some have many lesions. This peanut eater only had one. He'll most likely survive, but other squirrels with several probably won't. Thankfully this particular bot fly doesn't pose any threat to humans. However, there is a species of bot fly found on the African continent which causes much pain and suffering to humans.
Be well and have a good weekend!

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