The Adventures of Emilia

By Emilias_mummy

Tasty and not tasty!

Here I am having a tasty ice lolly in my 'niet lekker' halloween costume for Creche.

I really did not want to wear it this morning, I kept screaming that it was niet lekker... that means not tasty to the non flemish readers of the blip. It's the only way I know how to say I don't like something .. mama pretended that she didn't understand what I meant. Conveniently not speaking flemish when it suits her these days!

I'd come to terms with it by the time she picked me up from creche and was quite happy to have a stripey ice cream to match my stripey tights, and even happier to heat it was the weekend and so no creche tomorrow. I'm fine once I'm there, but now i start crying as soon as I'm on the same street as the creche in the morning.

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