Splashing past (Day 2366)

Awake early as usual, and after a wander up the hill with Sigyn, I headed for Tesco to get the weekly shopping done. Back home for breakfast and a bit of a tidy up at home then off to Stromness.
I had asked on a local sales page yesterday where I would be able to scrap our field caravan. Amongst the suggestions of setting it on fire or pushing it over a cliff, there were a couple of people interested in taking it away, so this morning my beautiful wife and I emptied it. We managed to jam everything into the truck and take it along to the other caravan before a brief and very wet visit to the horses.
Home for lunch, then out with Sigyn at Lyde. She was delighted to have to opportunity to tear through the water.
Another trip along to Stromness to get the caravan ready to move, which was a failure. The legs which should wind up and down were very difficult to move. One in particular seems seized solid - a six foot long bar on the end of my ratchet drive only served to break the tool rather than wind the leg up. After struggling for a couple of hours I gave up. We will return tomorrow with an angle grinder and just cut the leg off. It is only going to be used as a chicken shed at its new home.
Back home to get ready to welcome friends for dinner.

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