
By Mikey88


Another dull, grey morning. Not much about along the river. Just a heron, which flew off as soon as it saw me, and a greater spotted woodpecker, which flew in to the top of a tree next to me. Unfortunately, it was right at the top and there were too many branches in-between to get a good shot. There were a few mallard around, and I captured this one as it flew past me coming in to land on the water.

The good news is that my knee is a lot better. It fell apart about a month ago, and for two weeks, walking was extremely difficult and painful. I've only just started walking downstairs properly over the last couple of days and today I had a short ride on my bike for the first time.

I already knew there was arthritis in there, but x-rays showed I apparently have 'Pseudo- gout', which I had never heard of. According to the doctor, it's caused by crystals forming in the joint. Untreatable according to the leaflet I was given - best they can offer is rest and applying an ice pack if it flares up!

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