Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A welcoming pumpkin display.

The Feast Day of All Hallows.
The Feast Day of St.Begu. St. Erc. St. Quentin. St. Wolfgang.
There is a sense of excitement in the air, as children wander about in the rainy, windy, cold weather wearing their costumes for Halloween. I don't do anything to celebrate it, but I light a few candles and pray for the family and friends who passed away this year and from years gone by. 
My Grandsons have carved pumpkins. Today is my uncle's birthday.
We had a lot of noisy fireworks going off last evening, bangers, whirling, whizzing and exploding, all at much too close range while I was trying to eat my pizza ! The poor pug a few doors along was very upset and barked in distress. It is not easy to comfort the animals when the neighbourhood turns into something like a war zone. 
Arthur slept through it thankfully, but he is old and a bit deaf.
I went for a circular walk during a sunny interlude this afternoon and of all the photos I took, this one seemed the most appropriate. It is 10c so the heating is on, and we enjoyed watching Escape to the Country. They have glorious scenery in Devon.
Stay safe everyone and if you have a black cat, keep them indoors.

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