Phew ................

 ........... didn't anticipate it being this long a day!

Left the house at 02.30 arrived at the hotel at 17.30  -  as you can see from my blip:
630 miles driven
13hrs and 2mins actual driving time (although 15 hours out including fuel and cups of tea stops)
Average 47 miles to the gallon with an average speed of 48 miles per hours.

Not a slow driver but there was a closure on the motorway (freeway) which meant a "trip around the house" , in the wilds of Cumbria and sitting in the queues of traffic that had also been diverted.  
Cumbrian roads are not designed for speedy driving as the scenery is beautiful and the roads are "country".

Still, I concluded part one of my 'mission'  - just - and today am looking forward (!!) to another drive of about 400 miles, to my next hotel,  diversions notwithstanding.
No urgency today (as there was yesterday) as 'Mission Part Deux' is on Wednesday so I may even get a stop for a photo or two.

Oh my, the life of a spy never fails to be interesting!!!

Smile for the Day:

What would you call a medieval spy?
Sir Veillance


~ Anni ~

This is Monday uploaded on Tuesday

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