I’m leaving on a jet plane…

Hi Everyone,

Well, something quite strange happened yesterday afternoon… I sort of decided to reengage with the world… For multiple reasons over the last eight years, I have become more and more disinterested with most things. But yesterday afternoon I had a change of heart and thought I better get busy as I don’t know how many more summers I will see, and I better do my best to enjoy them.

Job number one was open my mail, I normally do it once every 6-month weather I need to or not… there was about 50 letters to wade through and quite amazingly no actions to take place.

Last night I applied for a job and got turned down today… Maybe I am past my sell by date – haha.

Today I renewed my passport online, booked an eye test, doctors’ appointment, arranged an evening out with my cycling mates and created a reasonably long list of jobs to do.

I also when to the workshop for a couple of hours and overcome the problem I was having yesterday, much to my great relief.

I spoke with my daughter in California and the news there is – she may come home for Christmas but will return in the new year to live there permanently. 

I need food now…

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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