Living my dream

By Mima

B-Day minus 3 =

= build-up day 4.

High Tea by the sea.

We ate cucumber sandwiches and fancies, drank tea and had cultured conversations.

The location was next to the beach at Kakanui, where we’d hoped to have a pleasant walk. Despite wall to wall sunshine, the blasting north-easterly wind deterred us from stepping outside, except to get into the car. The views were good though (and unphotographed).

Kakanui is where we all met a few years ago, so we reminisced about when we were all living there in freezing cribs (baches, or holiday homes) and helping each other find our forever homes. Forever friends.

It is another day not needing to cook.

Apologies for my lack of comments on blips at the moment. This birthday business is taking up a ridiculous amount of time.

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