
By LeeAnne


I love the colour of this tree in my parents garden… it makes for good wintery cheer when the clocks have gone back and autumn is here.

Today I helped Ary at Yellomoves and all I can say is that when you’re moving house and the movers arrive… you should go out and have a coffee somewhere and relax and just let them do their thing. Especially if you live in a one bedroom flat. You definitely shouldn’t invite pals over and double the number of people in said one bedroom flat. Nor should you stand in the doorway and watch someone walk towards you with a box full of books and then step aside (sort of) and let them squeeze through half a doorway. Oh… and packing your china straight from the cupboard into a bin bag is generally and example of what not to do. When you arrive at the new house, open the door, tell the removal guys where you want stuff then step aside rather than stand in every possible place which is in the way.

Other than that happy new house.

I whizzed through my parents list of tech related issues, we decided that I got the very best bits of both my parents. I don’t charge them obviously, I consider it quid pro quo given the amount of freshly washed and ironed bed linen I collected! Ha!

A quick trip to IKEA on the way home (yes I did but tealights which was not what I went in for) and a rug (the intended purchase) and home to housework.

No rest for the wicked.

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