Burning bush

This morning I went to my art group in Oswestry then shopping.  As I was getting my winter woollies out of storage I looked out of the window and saw how the late afternoon sunshine had picked out the golden leaves of the tree in front of the church.

I don't normally do much political commentating on here although plenty privately.  I do have to mention the scandal regarding my MP Owen Paterson and his resignation today after repeatedly breaching the rules for paid lobbying.  The shananigans from the government to save their mate has been disgraceful.  

This means a by election for us.  I just hope that we get someone that will represent the people and unlike O.P. will not vote to stop free school meals for the poorest, hunting, culling of badgers, allowing water companies to pollute our rivers and seas and the closure of rural ambulance stations. We can but hope!    Please forgive the rant. 

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