Hanging on in there.

My Hydrangea petiolaris is not going quietly into the hereafter of winter and was gamely hanging onto its leaves and withered flowers in this morning’s sunshine and bitter chill.
No mention by me, you will notice, of dipping in the Porty briny today.

A morning book group is a new venture for us and suits our advancing years beautifully. We gathered at 10:30 in a room bright with sunshine and so full of paintings and pretty artifacts that at times it was difficult to concentrate on the discussion. A delicious almond and orange cake was provided and served as lunch at least for me.

The afternoon saw me sprucing up the Dower House in readiness to welcome two of my old Castle neighbours for tea. I’m afraid standards have slipped since the start of Covid and lockdowns when few people ever got over the doorstep.

With yet another socially active day my brain is in overdrive

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