Autumn sunshine

Autumn sunshine illuminating the trees by the Limekilns bend on the Finlarig road above Dulnain Bridge. The neatly constructed structure to the left of the road is part of a triple limekiln so massive that it was supported by buttresses. The flues are at road level, the limekiln bowls were each up to 3metres in diameter. At least one kiln is marked here on the 1st edition of the 6-inch OS map which was published in 1874 though the exact date of construction is not known. There are records to suggest that limestone from a quarry situated about 1 mile to the North on Finlarig Hill was taken directly the kiln by means of an aerial convayor. Layers of limestone and wood were built up inside the kiln which was then fired to produce quicklime for use in mortar and in agriculture.

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