
If it was human, I'll bet it could tell a tale or two. It looks as though it was once a HUGE Ash, around which Farmer Fred had taken his barbed wire to save the cost of a sturdy corner post.

Herself decided we'd go "somewhere" Blip-hunting. The result was a trip up into the high places, west and north(ish) and many feet higher than Ullswater.
When we got them up for a severe coat of looking at, it transpired that most of them were so like the last two shots of the Fells we'd give 'em a miss. Next in line were some proofs that we have had snow, there were 3-5' drifts along the road and evidence of tractor shovelling activity within 5-10mls of home.

The road we went up was one of those pregnant snake jobs "Single track with passing places".
The buggers didn't put any "places" for, I would say, the first 1/2 mile at least.
There may have been room, without the snow, to pass in some of the thicker parts, but since I was outnumbered 2:1 I thought I'd be a gent and reverse to the road end... Much appreciated.
Ever tried it using only the wing mirrors and not turning round? Great fun: blame the Fire Service driving instructors. After we'd passed ...
A) We never saw another vehicle.
B) There was a reasonable scattering of wide places.

I stopped at a road end leading to ... Brace yourselves... "Ulcat Row" to have another look around, saw this character and shot it just on a whim. Came home and Street-viewed my way past Ulcat Row, 3-4(ish) dwellings labelled "Matterdale" on the map and a house called "The Old Chapel" which no longer is, but still has the windows shaped to prove it.

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