
By JanetMayes

Project 365 day 308: Colours

I wasn't feeling very inspired today. The weather was miserable and I'm not well set up for indoor photography. I was continuing my intermittent attempts to clear up and organise my little gallery study/sewing room into a space I can use rather than just dump things in, and came across a small box of art materials that were my Mum's. It didn't look as though she had used them much. This is part of a set of coloured dusting chalks, in pristine condition. I like the bright half circles and the tiny cottonwool balls with which they can be applied, using a kind of sprung tweezer to grip them. I wish I had time to play - but I played with the camera for a few minutes to see which orientation I liked best and how much to frame. Thank you to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday.

Today's news is that J's Autumn Leaves animation, with music composed by P, is finished. It's been a bit rushed and has various imperfections, but it looks and sounds pretty and I'm so pleased she has, with S's encouragement, felt able to tackle a more substantial creative project despite her current health difficulties. 

I've just back blipped yesterday's misty, frosty morning, which is much prettier than this, so do flip back if you have a minute.

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