
By CreativeCarol

"Leonardo's Dream"

I thought it would be fitting to share this photo of the painting that hangs in my dining room for Good Friday. As I have been doing my daily devotions this week, and reflecting on the price my Lord and Savior paid for my redemption, I have been drawn to look more closely at this painting.

On our 30th Wedding Anniversary trip, my husband and I decided to spend some time in art galleries to see if we could buy a piece of art that would commensurate our anniversary. We have never really had success finding artwork that we liked when we were trying. But this time was very different. The very first gallery that we entered that day we saw this painting on display. And we both said WOW! The painting just called to us. We looked around a little more, visited more galleries, but came back and bought this painting.

Victor Bregeda is a Russian artist. He attended the University of Fine Art and has received The coveted "Best of Show" award in St. Petersburg, Russia. The Painting is titled "Leonardo's Dream".

As you look at the painting you will notice that behind where Jesus would have sat at the table you can see Golgotha in the background. Though you will have difficulty seeing it from the photo there are two small crosses on the hill. The third cross is brought forward with Christ being crucified. The premise is that Jesus at the last supper was looking forward to the cross and Leonardo was painting the last supper dreaming of the final victory of Jesus over death that would occur after three days.

He is Risen!

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