
It's a long time since I've been on a protest march.  I suspect the last one I attended was the anti-war in Iraq march in London back in 2003 I believe.  Of course there were the early ones in Kings Heath, I remember taking Emma in a pushchair with Ann as we protested about nuclear trains, not trains run on nuclear power but transporting nuclear waste through the centre of our neighbourhood. 

Anyway we went to a protest meeting today in Stratford. Apparently there are quite a few of these Climate Change protests going on up and down the country, if not the world, today in response to the lack of action by politicians talking at COP26. 

The meeting started on the Rec at the bandstand where various speakers took turns.  Then a fairly orderly march, accompanied by police cars, went through town taking in Waterside, Bridge Street, High Street and Sheep Street.   The traffic was mostly understanding. The aim of the march was to end up eventually at the Methodist church, opposite Holy Trinity, where more talking would ensue.

On the second time down High Street Ann and I stopped off for a coffee at York's Cafe.  I was getting tired and my feet were hurting, I'm not as young as I was in 2003.

This is just one of the photos I took, I think it kind of sums it up!  I have set up a Flickr album with some of the other pics I took. If you fancy a skim they are here

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