Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Bring back the Sunshine!

Had to be an indoor blip today, its so cold and grey again outside. Thought I'd warm the atmosphere up with a Chrysanthemum! I bought these some the other day as a change from daffodils :)

Need a bit more enthusiasm to have another attack at the housework today (ideas to make it go quicker gratefully received)! Then on with my assignment work....

Off out tonight for another 'creative' hour with the Street Pastors, Prayer Pastor Team and then we have an extra hour (I think) in bed...supposed to be British Summer Time :)

Such a shame some friends who were coming down for the weekend today can't make it as their little girl is in bed with Tonsillitis and has been quite sick due to the antibiotics! Hoping they will come another time....

Happy Easter Saturday blippers :)

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