
By maureen6002


Thank you for your lovely responses to yesterday’s curlew shots. I’m afraid I must admit to using another shot from yesterday’s visit for today’s blip as I’ve spent all day lying on the sofa in too much discomfort - I hesitate to call it pain - to move more than a few steps. Usually this passes after resting for a while, but not this time, and I wonder whether a persistent cough (NOT Covid) has irritated my condition. I’m hoping that tomorrow will see an improvement and I can be back to normal - whatever normal is! 

Anyway, my sister having left for Spain, I’ve had time to catch up on some comments - though I’m still behind - and to do the editing left from yesterday’s excursion. As well as the curlew, we spotted a lovely little flock of redshanks sheltering from the wind on one of the lagoons. Gorgeous little birds, heads facing to the wind, orange beaks lined up as well as those fabulous red shanks. They chattered constantly, and as we watched, still more flew in to join them, along with smaller waders that I think are sanderlings, but may be dunlins - apparently notoriously difficult to tell apart. 

My main is of the redshanks lining up, the smaller birds feeding alongside. It’s the less dramatic shot , but I really like the geometric line up, with an ‘incoming’ flight shot as an extra.

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