simply red

A wet day today. I took the chance to do some indoor stuff..moving photos from phone to computer to hard drive, writing an article about the camino for the Dunscore Digest, sending a birthday card, doing some tidying and washing, and cooking the tea.

I took this photo on my way to the postbox. The maple is always spectacular around the time of Remembrance and the peace pole in the middle of the fallen leaves seems more appropriate than ever.

By the time I went out for an afternoon walk, it was getting dark. I had a torch but only put it on to alert cars to my presence, as there are no street lamps out here..only two cars passed me in 45 minutes, so for most of that time my eyes were dark-adapted and I could see where I was going. I'd forgotten the magic of being out in the dark. In the dark, you become more aware of different scents and sounds, like a nocturnal animal. 

At drumming tonight, we were practising for a "Reclaim the Night" vigil in the Borders, which seemed entirely fitting.

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