
Creative this morning.
Did the first part last night as usual.
Drew the trees with the Berol pen.
Sprayed with water, and soapy water.
The ink didn't spread, then suddenly it did, and I am trying to deal with the water runs.
Then I left it and went to sleep.
This morning I looked at it. I liked it as it was with no colour, but my intention had been to have one of those weak watery looking, but yet blinding sun in the middle. 
So, I put the teeniest bit of yellow there.
It didn't look too bad.
Photographed it.
OMG, it was like a bright yellow cornfield in the sky...
White gouache paint next to get rid of this excessive yellow.
I think I need to research colour for a misty morning...
I think Naples yellow might do it.
I have some some somewhere....

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